Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Silence.... ever golden silence....

I sometimes feel like my life is one big noisy free for all!! Sorry.... I had to get that out. Silence is so calming and peaceful. Sometimes I go off to be alone and just drink in the silence. I even try not to breath, so as not to disturb the silence. If you ever feel like your life is crazy, find a quiet spot and just sit and relax. You don't have to do yoga or anything..... just take a couple deep breaths.... and listen to the silence.
Calming your nerves expert


  1. i know exactly what you mean! its wonderful for me to just go somewhere i love, or somewhere beautiful and just think romantic thoughts. (not the love kind of romantic :) at my grandma's house there is a lot of fields with ponds. i like to run out there and breathe in the beauty :)

  2. I know exactly what you're feeling!! Being the oldest of four is sometimes not the easiest... I'm hopefully going to get some pictures of Elisa, Halle and Noelle up on my blog soon, so check it out around 2:15!! :)
